Words fail me


“Words, English words, are full of echoes, memories, associations. They’ve been out and about, on people’s lips, in their houses, in the streets, in the fields, for so many centuris. And that is one of the chief difficulties in writing today. They’re stored with other meanings, with other memories, and they’ve contracted so many famous marriages in the past. … In the old days of course, when English was a new language, writers could invent new words and use them. Nowadays, it’s easy enough to invent new words, they spring to the lips whenever we see a new sight or feel a new sensation, but we cannot use them because the English language is old. … In order to use new words properly, you have to invent a new language….”

Entrevista de Virginia Woolf à BBC a 29 de Abril de 1937 – quatro anos antes da sua morte.

São mais de 7 minutos em que a sua voz nos acompanha.

No site da BBC.

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